Hi everyone (: Hope you are enjoying your week so far. I have been on youtube looking at nothing but Disneyland videos and feeling so nostalgic because I want to go soooooooooo Badly. But college life means broke life so need to save up big time if I want to go back to the happiest place on earth.
So as you can see from the title, you may think I'm going to talk about Sleeping Beauty, but sadly... IM NOT! I decided to talk about someone else who isn't in the disney princess caliber but from watching her movie, it made me love her even more.

Okay if you guys saw the broadway musical
Wicked, maybe you might understand this character that is played so nicely. When we see the cartoon version, we only get the impression of Maleficent being cold hearted, evil, and powerful. But when you see her in the live action, we see her past and how it affected her throughout her entire life. I mean if the movie really follows in tact, then we can clearly see that Maleficent was acting out of vengeance for a broken heart and come on, we have all been broken once before. She just couldn't take it, I mean her "true love" stole her wings for his own selfishness and greed of wanting to be king (jerk).
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I felt so sad with this scene ): it was like rape
Maleficent to me, before her anger and spite, was strong willed, protective, and also very loving. In a loving way as she gradually grew to love Aurora and realize that the curse is wrong. True love's kiss isn't always from the man of your dreams, but it can be from someone who truly loves you for who you are and whats inside.
I meant of course we would never see that in the cartoon version because Disney needed a bad guy in the movies but in today's society, we are giving second chances to these guys and I am really glad that they made this movie because I love the way Angelina Jolie made Maleficent magnificent.
But guys, I really enjoyed talking about Maleficent because although she was credited it as the bad guy, I was able to get a better understanding of her in the 2014 movie. I hope you guys enjoyed this and I will see you next week for a new disney blog.
Peace out(:
I loved maleficent too! I like how a lot of films and stories are starting to come out about villains and their backstory. I think it's important we know what happened to that person to make them into a villain so that we understand that no one was really born a villain but instead, were made into one by someone else or by a separate event.I actually read that Angelina Jolie made sure that the wing cutting scene symbolized rape which is why the scene was so raw and painful and silent, unlike the rest of the film. Malificent loved that guy and trusted him so much but he still took what he wanted and left her there in pain to deal with the feelings of betrayal like many rape victims have experienced. I think it was a great movie with deep symbolism in some parts.