OMG, the semester is almost over, meaning no more blogs lol.
Unless I choose to make it a weekly thing which I have no problem doing hahaha.
But today I just saw Big Hero 6, it was an AWESOME MOVIE!!! Totally recommend
watching it for all ages (: Today, I decided to go back to another Disney
princess who, as previous women, followed her heart and fought against all odds
to be with the man she truly loved. Also following her path based on the forces
of the wind…
Pocahontas (:
As we saw in the beginning of the movie, Pocahontas isn’t
the typical native American that follows all the rules. She follows her own
beating drum as she follows wherever the wind takes her as that represents her
path of fate. She loves her family and friends dearly but when it comes to her
own true happiness, she is to find it on her own, without the help of the Chief
Powhatan (her father) and her best friend Nakoma.

Pocahontas never wanted to
let her father down, but at the same time she didn’t want to do something she
felt wasn’t right. For example her father decided that it would be best that
she would marry the warrior Kocoum, but Pocahontas didn’t see him as a
potential future husband. We see this free spirit embracing her life everyday,
talking with her grandmother Willow and constantly explaining a dream she
cannot describe. It isn’t until she discovers these “clouds” passing by her
land. Unknown to her, she didn’t realize that it was actually British men
settling onto this land to find gold and also build future settlement.
Across this land is a man that she never expected to meet,
John Smith. Like Pocahontas, John Smith wasn’t interested in finding any gold,
but to discover the natives and their cultures. He never realized that he would
meet someone very special.
When seeing John Smith for the first time, Pocahontas’s
curiosity soon grew. She soon realized that there were other people that
weren’t to her usual norm. Hesitant at first she soon got to know the man John
Smith and developed a genuine bond between the two. Positive that their
relationship would be forbidden, she convinced John to try and speak to her
father about the men that has entered their land. But jealously and rage grew
too late as Kocoum discovered their secret affair
Pocahontas’s heart grew within the days of meeting John
Smith. She realized her own bravery and soul of wanting things differently
rather than with bloodshed. He knew she loved john regardless of the obstacles.
“This is the path I
choose Father, what will yours be?”
I loved that quote from her because she stood up to her
father even though the rules meant otherwise. She knew her path and fate from
the dream. She knew that John really meant something to her.
Although Pocahontas and John didn’t end with the ending they
wanted, Pocahontas was able to grow within herself and following her own heart
with her mother’s spirit guiding her along the way. The ending always makes me have goosebumps
because she waves goodbye to him as if it was their last goodbye forever. I
really wished in real life that they could have ended up together because the
way they were in the movie, seemed like something both partners wouldn’t let go
Peace Out!
Nikki (:
I love pocahontas! i have a special feeling of admiration and sadness when I think of real-life cartoon princesses like pocahontas and anastasia. Their real stories are so tragic and the sad endings in their movies kind of hint to that sometimes and its just so sad but I love that they have their stories told, even though its often twisted to make for a better story for kids.